$6000 prize for eating burgers? The worlds biggest cheeseburger eating contest takes place every year in Washington DC USA, the Z Burger 2023 eating competition. In celebration of American Independence Day (July 4th Eating contest), an American holiday, Z burger offers a giant cheeseburger eating contest with $6000 in total prizes. The rules are 10 minutes for all you can eat burgers (similar to the July 4th Nathan’s hotdog time limit), only water is allowed from bottles, no dunking, or use of cups, or anything like that. The Contest lineup featured some amazing eaters such as Molly Schuyler, Dan Kennedy, Andrew puhl, and many other great American competitive eaters! How can we place in today’s American food eating contest? Tune in to find out, As we celebrate and participate in the Fourth of July eating contest ! Huge thanks to Z burger! These guys rock, and the food was good for contest food.